Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Update: Waiting on Valve

Just popping in to let non-patrons know about the current situation. I have been steadily working away at the next build of TLS, but this one involves more than just my usual tasks: I intend to wrap up all extant Steam issues with this one. Unfortunately that means things aren't entirely up to me.

One major task that has been completed has been giving TLS achievements, actually 169 of them. You can see the full list on Steam already, though they can't all be unlocked yet. Setting up and testing all of these was a ton of work!

I also discovered that, contrary to my previous expectation, TLS has become eligible for Steam trading cards. Most free games can't get cards, and I figured a NSFW one wouldn't be allowed, but that seems to have changed. However, that means more hoops I need to jump through, then the trading card people at Valve are always sticklers for details (as well as slow to respond). This is the current roadblock to release.

In the meantime, I am grinding away at various improvements to the game. This includes yet more enhancements to the prologue as well as some game-wide balance changes and another upgrade to the visuals. Basically, I'm just keeping myself busy with the list of secondary tasks while I try to keep the other wheels turning.

This upcoming update will not be a major one for new content, but you'll have to be patient, as doing all of this polishing is important before the big 1.0.0 release. That will be the largest number of eyes on the game since the initial release, so I want TLS looking its best. ^-^