Friday, January 13, 2023

The Final TLS Roadmap

Back in 2017 I posted a text roadmap for the remainder of the game and we've been following it, but it's come to my attention that many players have forgotten or never saw it. So, since we're getting closer to the end, I thought it was a good time for a new roadmap. Many thanks to Lamsey for improving the visual garbage I started with!

This version doesn't give all details, but it shows you exactly what content remains in the game compared to what has been done in this section. No more need to speculate about who gets a harem quest and who doesn't. Perhaps more importantly, I hope it will remove the need for promises or arbitrary dates: everyone will be able to see the changes in the remaining content and judge my progress for themselves. Look forward to this image being updated every release.

Some of these icons are far more work than others, of course. You've seen how some of the harem quests are quiet character moments while others are elaborate events, so the number of checks per update will vary. But I believe this will give a strong enough overall impression. The only thing likely to change is that I might add some time doing revisions in between the postgame update and officially releasing the game as 1.0.0, just to create a better first impression for any new players.

I am hard at work on TLS 0.65.0, which will check off a decent number of those boxes because I worked on it all through the holiday break. See you then!