Friday, May 31, 2024

TLS 0.74.0 Released! - The Final Battle

New update for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStarVersion history updated, you know what to do, etc.


TLS 0.74.0

- The final battle.


Here it is, the result of months of work (and in a sense years). Usually I say that an update will be available in a week or maybe two, but in this case I can make no promises about when it will go public. This is an update of high complexity and length, plus I am wiped out from the marathon of the last few months.

(This would all be easier if Blogspot wasn't failing to work properly for some reason. Apologies for delays in responding.)

What I do promise is that I'll keep you up to date here on the blog and that everyone will get to play eventually. I hope it's worth the wait. ^-^

Updated roadmap:


  1. Yeah, eventually XDXDXD
    Stay well and work fast ^^

  2. Hate to be a bother, but I am at the end game, but.... I didn't pick up the Deepstone in the Renthor Wilds, now I can't go back to pick it up. I hope you put something in where we can go back and explore the area again so we can get the items needed for the Potion Hermits last project. Thanks

    1. Sorry, but this game is absolutely full of missable content. The last project only provides a small bonus in the final battle.
