Friday, May 26, 2023

TLS 0.67.2 Public Release

New update is public!


*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

No time to write notes, gotta keep working on TLS 0.68.0!


  1. hi Sierra is there a chance you gonna make a rework for the pixels and why not Instead of RTP change to MV

    1. I doubt that's feasible without months of extra effort porting everything over or even recreating it by hand. I believe the infrastructure between RPG Maker VX Ace and RPG Maker MV is drastically different and you'd be able to bring very little over.

    2. In fact, from what I see from this comment and considering the scale of this game already, it'd be a hefty ask for a port from VX Ace to MV

      [depends on the game.
      if the game uses absolutely no scripts, then all you have to do is install the conversion script downloaded with MV into your ace game, run it and copy the resulting output into a new MV project. And then simply resize all missing artwork from Ace by 150%.
      If you use a script, then you have to find or commission someone to write a plugin that does the same, because Ace uses a different script language than MV. That can be anything from a small to a titanic workload depending on which and how many scripts you use.]

    3. Yes, I'm afraid that conversion to MV is functionally impossible.

  2. I think Uneanun "Support Kalant" option mistakenly adds to Final Ignias score instead.

    1. Haha, tons of people go over the update and make all kinds of spreadsheets, but things still get missed. I've fixed it on my end, thanks.

  3. No time to write an introduction, gotta keep this recap going (XDXDXD)

    - Cool, a murder mystery !!!! I'm totally gonna Sherlock Holmes my way in, watch me ^^ More seriously I'm a great fan of police series so I'm relatively talented in finding suspects, I'm rigth half of the time (that would make me a terrible cop/detective XDXDXD).
    - Yeah, supports mage are often untold heroes. Dedicating themselves to help others in the shadows, they often do much more than those in the ligth. Look at the old dynamic Simon/Chosen. Simon did much more than those migthy rat killers.
    - I was 2 thirds rigth with Jessie. I thougth she had deserted her post to go meet her secret lover as soon as I heard she wasn't at her post. I first thougth it was Shimil since he was around, then Aennia since she slept around. So I wasn't too surprised when Jessie accidentaly spilled the beans. I convinced them to go, they deserved it ^^ Punishing them is wrong since the laws have changed and keeping the secret is just asking for troubles. Nice to see them in the Gardens ^^
    - The fact that magic was involved made it a bit harder than usual, so Robin and Vhala help was appreciated ^^ Anyways, it's the hunt for clues who's exciting, like in Knives Out (good movies)
    - I wasn't surprised at the result. My doubts began when I learned about her unusual ingredients list. It grew when the supervior hadn't detected anything, which meant that either he was the culprit, that there was a bigger machination or that the truth was elsewhere . Shimil saying that the phenomen was contained made me almost convinced and Trishia confession settled it. However I hadn't progressed to why she did it, so I only connected it when Dari started her speech ^^ I was still surprised about Hester involvment, but your explanation made more sense than my unconscious belief that 'she did everything alone', so good job.

    1. - Still, it's her fault. Not summoning demons is like first warning of first page of magic/holy textbooks. Unless they do it like Dr Strange and put the warnings at the end (XDXDXD)
      -Also nice to warn Tobrock that he'll need to step up his game, kinda relieve my guilt of accidentaly accusing him by misclick XDXDXD
      -I haven't found the reason why she was near the window though. Any idea ?
      - "Could you ask the Doom King to cool it ?" Lol, true, poor workers XDXDXD
      - Now for the candidates. I admit, I didn't really listen to Tyna when she said that she wasn't sure she should prioritise her love before the interests of her nation. All I heard was 'let's go full politicking our way for her happy marriage' XDXDXDXD
      - Lol, I knew as soon as she talked to us that it was a trap XDXDXD I didn't forget the summit from chapter 2 and her treachery. "It goes so much higher than I thought...." Yeah, yeah, whatever, go in jail for high treason.
      - Hmm, Orgonon reminded us of a grim truth, orcs are still unable to truly choose partners like other races do, they are still bound by their nature. I think that won't change until a loooonnng time. That makes them good matchmakers though.
      - Hi Herin, it's good to see you !!! Ready to taker Hester role ? Because she won't be coming back if we have our say about this (it's still a shame, but it's her who choose this). Ah, but Annah didn't come. Is she really busy, or did she just choose to dodge us ?
      - Bwhahahaha, that Antarion and Donovan removal was so good ^^ Still a goddamn shame that he became a symbol of stability. Let's come back for assassination in a few months when everyone will be focused on Tyna and Kalant happy married life (like Charles/Kate, or Harry/Megan IRL)
      - I agree with Nalili, Bhakan is intense. And it's true that he would be a good ruler, he have a good head. Alas, he lacks heart and we're already shipping Kalant, so you can go. Still good that he agreed to keep his loyalty to Tyna. It's also true that him and Simon are very similar, I'm kinda wondering if they could have became friends if they met before he was implanted with a soul shard.
      - Uneanun really have good instincts, he managed to detect Tanurak manipulations as soon as he got rid of it. But yeah, Givinni was hit often. Mind hex, airships AND floating islands crashes..... Arcent really is the eye of the storm, every important battles/war had repercussions on it.
      - At the reverse, it was very easy to manipulate Etuanun XDXDXD

    2. I'm glad to hear that people generally liked the murder mystery. Sounds like I mostly hit the right notes in terms of foreshadowing, clues, and letting players figure things out for themselves.

      Hester mostly operated alone, but I thought it was unrealistic that she wouldn't have any assistants or use the Church hierarchy. One of my goals with this quest was to show a little corner of unexpected consequences to her actions.

      I could have added combat to the succession, but in the context of the whole endgame, with plenty of dungeons, I hope that a purely political section will be nice balance.

      Thanks for your thoughts, as always. ^-^

    3. So the mystery of the window will forever remain unresolved.

    4. Most of the clues tie together, so we needed at least one red herring! But the technical answer is that she wasn't in the position she was supposed to be because she was in fact doing her own ritual.

  4. Using 0.67.2, I triggered the event that was supposed to add a pure divinity and subtract a crystallized divinity since I created Carina's armor previously, but it didn't actually do anything.

    1. Hmm, I'm afraid I can't figure this out at a glance. This event hasn't changed at all since inception.

    2. Will this correctional event persist into the release version or will you eventually correct the reward issue and remove the event for world-building consistency?

    3. The reward issue is already corrected and the event was added for the sake of old saves. I left it in for a while so more people could take advantage of it, but I guess I'll remove it now.

  5. Hello. There is a post on the forum about bug with Trin's duplicates counter and there is a suggestion to remove it altogether after Incubus War. My question is if this counter has any meaning in the whole chapter 5 since there was no one to copy in that chapter and the number of the slots (free or overall) doesn't play any role there, even in her personal quest. Also it makes 2 additional slots from divine shard completely pointless, since they are useless in chapter 5.

    On unrelated matter, some time ago you said that there will be another round of investment's returns (meaning 4th round in chapter 5). If so, will it happen after the final battle? And, if that's the case, will investments made at that round play any significant role for gameplay or ending(s) or will they be purely for cosmetic reasons?

    1. This is a regrettable instance of my plans changing. Originally, Trin's harem quest was going to use her copy limit, but I decided to alter the balance into the new system you saw. The slots added by the divine shard are redundant, but the shard alters Trin's quest in the way I originally intended.

      The final investment round will be tied to a specific character's harem quest. No investments after the final battle.

    2. Oh my, I wonder whoever Harme member it might be (cough, cough, definitely Megail, cough)

    3. Obviously it's Lynine! Her harem quest is opening a massage parlor that coincidentally earns exactly the same as all the player's investments.

    4. So a total of 2,996,212,697 Pron ? Damn, the massages must be godly

  6. Lynine found a typo in the founding documents of the Church - they were supposed to spread Ivala's massage...
