Sunday, December 4, 2022

Have a Merry Lustmas!

I'm not just punning here, it's an actual event. ^-^ It won't be here on the blog, due to how the platform can be about adult images, but if you follow Annikath or myself on Twitter, you'll be getting a series of pictures showing TLS characters having, shall we say, a jolly time.

Otherwise, I hope everyone has a great December! Please look forward to more TLS updates, as always, and also a final roadmap coming soon.


  1. Hope someone with a Twitter account will repost them on imgur or something.
    I love your work Sierra, but I'm not gonna drown in all the hate this app endlessly share, sorry.
    Social medias are toxic.

    1. Oh by the way, 2 things :
      - When will we reforge Robin Arcane Crystal ? Is it on the same level of priority of Antarion death, and the hunt of the last hat ?
      - I was considering playing Desecration of Wings, but I was wondering about a few questions : Is there meaningful choices (read real politick segments) ? Is the rape and prostitution tags I've seen unavoidable and story important (not really a big fan of these two) ? Can we finally complete the Broom quest ?

    2. Robin will reforge her crystal as part of a harem quest. Not sure when that one will happen.

      DoW has some political themes in common with TLS, but isn't the same sort of strategy game. The protagonist is a prostitute, and while how that's approached might be different than you're expecting, it's not avoidable if you dislike that. Rape is not a substantial part of the game. The sidequests... well, I can't promising any brooms, but there is some very exciting fishing. ^-^

    3. Hmm, as I thought. I won't try it immediately, but I'm gonna trust you and play it when I have some time. Sierra is synonym of quality after all ^^
      Also, a bit unrelated, but did you use the same characters in Zombie Wife for Genre Savvy Apocalypse? They have the same names, Apocalypse and zombies XDXDXD

    4. Please think of them as the "reincarnations" of the previous characters. I let myself do that sometimes when past ideas don't get fleshed out into full projects.

    5. An iddle thougth ; would you consider modifying Simon sprite to reflect his 'Weariness' before his haircut ? It was short, but impactful.

    6. In theory, sure, but I'd need a sprite for it.

    7. For anyone who wants the image and NOT get a Twitter cancer, enjoy the wonders of my Twitter burner account who will be sealed for eternity in my secondary mailbox.

    8. Also, enjoy some TLS extra stories :

    9. The second Xmas image have a redundant story, but don't pay attention, it's fine. Now quick question for Sierra, did Scary Siman Wife and Ginasta had a talk ? Can't remember.

    10. Oh yeah, there have been comics for a while. They're also on Steam (mostly) and I don't mind people spreading them around.

      I don't believe I've written any extended conversation between those two yet.

    11. And here are the last 2
      Happy Lustmmas !!!! ^^

      Also, Sierra, do you know where I can finish reading Genre Savvy ? RoyalRoad (or you) deleted it.

    12. Haha, Happy Lustmas to you too! For longer term recording or for those who don't want to click through, I'll make a new post for the full set.

      I took down GSA, sorry. I got about all I was going to out of it and the site itself was taking too much of a toll. Maybe I can finish Alice and Devin's story one day.

  2. Replaying the Prison, and during Zelica dialog, she said she hadn't talked to anyone aside Xestris for so long. Just after Simon ask information about his schemes.
    I assume you meant Xerces ?

    1. I'd need to review the conversation, but I don't think so. Xerces doesn't really talk directly to her much anymore.

    2. It's probably right as is, somewhere at the start of the game (first half of the game, I dont really know when it was) there is a short cutscene showing Xestris in a location that looks a lot like the one Zelica is found at.

    3. *Snorts*
      That's probabluy because it's the same location XDXDXD
      Also, it was during the end of the prologue, and it showed us some of the majors characters.
