Friday, May 28, 2021

Don't Save the Princess 0.3.1 Public Release

Some of you may remember this side project from a couple years ago! Progress has quietly continued in the background, and now it's back with another public demo, available here:

This one has new content (a new world with new scenes), additions to old content, and some improvements to the core gameplay that tested pretty well with patrons.

Sorry the blog has been quiet lately. I've been weary, so I've been putting more time than usual into trying to clear side projects off my plate. Once Ever After is getting much closer to release, I've wrapped up writing contracts, and now this demo represents a new stage in DStP. Overall, I think this is the best way of keeping myself productive and moving forward.

That said, I'm definitely looking forward to the next arc in TLS! There's also a neat piece of TLS art I've been working on for a little while that will be making its way to patrons this week, something different than anything I've done before.


  1. I can't wait for Don't save the princess full release.

    1. Good to hear! Full release is still a ways off, but after this build, it will take far much less of my time since the mechanics are settling and the dialogue/scenes are all written.

  2. I'm really looking forward to the final versions of both this and Once Ever After. You've got quality work all around and I have never once been disappointed.

    Don't let things wear you put and take break when needed to take care of yourself, more so now with everything going on these dats. Even if things get delayed, we'll all be waiting as long as necessary.

    1. Thanks, glad you're looking forward to my work! Hopefully these long-running side projects are finally getting close to release.

  3. Do take good care of yourself, okay?

  4. Nice, your games are some of the best I've played recently.
    Can I ask how much more content are you planning to release for TLS and say that you can rest all you want we're willing to wait.

    1. Thanks for your kind support. I don't have my roadmap for TLS on hand, but I've posted about the overall plan pretty specifically. The current (fifth) chapter will be the last, but there's plenty of content remaining.

  5. Hey, this is pretty good. The Concept is nice and the idea of not saving the princess is like done before but I still want to see those.

    However, some of the mechanics are kinda hard to understand even going back over the tutorial. The Throwers (even with the UI added on) gave me confusion on when to act, they say they are best used when a certain range is good but, I don't know if it varies or there is a timing to it

    Also, some of the controls needs some refinement, I get that up is for the spike to go Up and Down is for the Dropping Obstacle to go down but I would suggest on using letters because of the Powerup minigame

    Overall pretty good game, I also like the small cutscenes and the pacing of those scenes, I want to know how on earth a Princess/Human get into the mess that is Shoeland Kingdom plus those bits where she just have her own time with the 'Antagonist'

    1. Thanks for leaving feedback! The throwers have the same effect no matter when they're used: their strength is that you can choose when to have them throw, so you can set up other combos.

      I'd like to stick to a fairly small set of keys, but the final version will probably allow you to rebind everything.

  6. I'm just waiting for the final chapter of TLS to full realease got me engaged 5 days in a row and now I just want to know how will it end D:

    1. It'll be a little while, but expect further releases moving the story forward!

  7. About endless, at least with my shop choices (damage, spawn frequency, longer stuns, better throwers) if the run is at all successful it transitions into a state where I constantly am getting spawns and the runner is basically constantly stunned and in a combo. Which is fun for a bit but can get a bit hectic after a while.^^ But that isn't really the problem by itself, during that I just don't have time to pay attention to the progress bar so he just passes the goal at some point without me noticing all that much that I am losing. Or understanding completely why and what I need to improve or how much I even can improve the duration without more upgrades.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Endless Mode works differently, which is never really explained in-game. Basically, Runman makes progress every time you fail to hit him with a trap. Due to the increased intensity, you will eventually get him stunlocked, but if traps pass him by, he can still win.

      That was my idea for making a really hectic mode work, anyway. Increasing damage won't help much, but crits and combos make Runman lose progress.

    2. Ah yeah with that info it makes much more sense. ^^

  8. Hey Sierra.
    I have read the visible lines of your newest patreon post, and I am starting to get worried about you. Please don't overwork yourself. Take a break or hire a permanent assistant to reduce your workload. You are an one-woman army who excels at multitasking but even the greatest of armies need to rest. Please take of yourself.

    1. Something you couldn't read from a previous update:

      "I'm not going to be able to relax until this update is out. The reason is that, for complex updates like this, I try to hold the entire thing in my head at once. There are many details, from the variables to the order of which event bounces to which map on which branch. I can hold a reasonable number of things mentally, but not an infinite number, and not stretched out over so many days of achronological work. The longer it extends, the more it will suck for me and the more oversights will make it into the released version."

      I try not to overwork myself, but delayed maps and several other factors just aligned in the wrong way to make this development period hellish. But it's finished, and to my surprise not that buggy, so I should be able to rest a little while in the reactive phase.
