Friday, July 26, 2019

TLS 0.44.5 Public Release

Everybody finally gets to play the double update! (EDIT: Links now updated to 0.44.6.)


*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

TLS 0.44.5
 - Additional improvements, fixes, and balance changes.
 - New warfront images courtesy of Lamsey.
 - The balance of healing spells has been changed. There's no effect at lower levels, but at higher character levels healing will start to scale slightly faster. This is especially true of single-target healing spells, which I've felt were lagging in an unintended way.

TLS 0.44.6
 - This update is mostly to fix the heal bug.
 - Improved Tanurak image thanks to Bug Reporting and Decanter.
 - Fixed Erosian maps thanks to Lamsey.

After so long working on this version, I hope it's in good condition. I'm pretty tired, so I'll just say that I hope everyone enjoys. ^-^


  1. YOURE THE BEST SIERRA!!! love your games

  2. Thank you Sierra. Love your work so much XD.

  3. Can you believe I was playing, arrived to the (current) end, exit the game and notice an update.
    I officially believe in the Lustlord now.
    Thanks a bunch for the update!

  4. Aww, nice to see the enthusiastic responses. ^-^ This is a big update with a lot of payoffs I've been setting up, so I hope everyone enjoys it!

  5. Just in time for my 3 day vacation from work. Time to dig in!!

  6. You know, we are as happy as all Erosian! Very good job Sierra.
    You deserve a good well rest.

  7. With the last patch I've now spent 57 hours on this game. (wow such time)

    1. And Sierra spend 4 years making this.

    2. At 88 hours not including reloads and replays. With each update I am constantly blown away by the sheer amount of content this "free" game contains.

  8. Thanks for the update. A lot of new questions sum old answered.

    Now looking forward for more talking and rest before the Incubus Baby hunt starts.

    Prime Candidate for Baby Incubus King: a Guy in Ardoheim no one loves maybe Hester can take him out to relive some stress?

    1. I doubt the smaller shards were thrown to another continent, but it would be a pleasure to erase Antarion just like that, because he happened to get a tiny shard...

  9. Hey, a bug that I noticed - in the Forest of Shifting Leaves, the Erosian healer's skills are being Blocked by herself and her allies. While I don't mind not having to specifically focus down the healer, I doubt this is intended behavior.

    1. It happened to me too, but only when i Confused her with Hilstara's Bash, so I thought it was intended...

    2. It's a bug due to the healing improvements. I'll get it fixed in the next patch.

  10. Finally finished the new section. Then replayed the entire war again just because. XD

    Gotta say, the Ginasta fight was waaaaaaay tougher than Fucklord. Barely had any trouble with him (maybe because he was weakened?) but it took me 3 tries to beat Ginasta.

    Love the challenge though.

    1. The Fucklord becomes weaker each time you fight him, his exact stats varying based on how many injuries you've given him during the various events. The last fight is meant to be easy, whereas Ginasta is an optional challenge fight. Glad you enjoyed it. ^-^

  11. In the cutscene where the Fucklord attacks our camp and "kills" our orcs (even though i know is from the last update), is there a way to know if our orcs survived? If they talk in the cutscene means they are alive or we can't know yet?

    1. Trust me, you'll know if one of them died.

    2. If a unique orc dies during the attack, you will see them give a final line and die. The deaths aren't offscreen or anything, so if the unique sprites are still standing at the end of the scene, they survived.

    3. Thank god. I want my boy to Defeat Human King. Save World.

  12. This was such an amazing update.
    I greatly enjoyed it! Every new face was tied perfectly to the storyevents and did not give the impression of Cell being defeated so now there is Frieza coming out ofnowhere but yea, he totally was there all the time! XD
    You forshadowed your figuresgreatly, you missguided the player and occasionally suprise them with new faces that were not mentioned at all, but are tied to someones history. All in all great, believable and organic story telling! I approve.

    I dont know if the Harem of the Fucklord would or should really behave like that in that situation, but it IS a world programmed to be 50% made out of Lust, so I feel it is in their nature to behave like that somehow ... well.

    Tanurak is such a bitch and I really was bitter that Simon did not choose to confrant this guy directly.
    Though yae and gang would not have lasted long enough without his intervention, so good for him I guess? Also great storytelling: Circumstances to make the player feel powerless. I also appretiated how much of a thread and full of Suprises and competences the Fucklord was. For the first time it did not feel like the Player is somehow the only active ... well "Player" at the gameboard, but other players moving their pieces with competence and the direct intention to hinder your advances! Lovely.

    Wandis and Estavens final confrontation gave a very strong impression of both characters. Estaven proved actually to be extremely headstrong and postiive even in the face of Capture, Torture and Death himself. Wendis showed him the limits of this, but he KNOWS what can be done to him, but did not flinch until he completely understood the sheer madness of her Plan. He made a strong impression there.
    Even more impactfull to see him without any last words.

    I stopped Wendis. I wonder how many players did that. Cause I think no-one should be treated that way. I hope Wendis will forgive me.
    Even though I cried at Antialas Fake Speech, Wendis Scene in the end surely was the emotionally most impactfull. Great work

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I also was compleatly in your trap when Anak spoke about 2 in 1 Beeings in Zirantiria and I was sure that he was talking about the Divine Claw. I WAS SO SURE!
      But naw.. Twas the King and the Goddess. And I predicted Wendis first time I saw the entitiy, so I am not so much out of touch with your story. Great deception.

    3. Glad you enjoyed the update so much! This one had a lot of payoff in addition to setting up some final pieces, so I certainly enjoyed making it. ^-^

      Regarding the Fucklord's harem, do keep in mind that they've been manipulated by him for a long time. But yes, at a certain point, this game is part of its genre.

      Because the Third Arclentian War moved toward a clear conclusion, I wanted this one to feel different, with a dynamically changing battlefield. I'm glad so many people have responded positively to it.

      There's more story yet to tell, so please look forward to it. ^-^

  13. Alright I guess Mestan is part of the tower somehow, Varia seems to be unaffected by Ginasta's resistances so I would assume she has something to do with the tower too, but I wonder if Anak is forcing Simon to become a problem so he has a reason to deal with him cuz killing the Sage makes no sense unless he wants trouble

  14. So any news on the art? And is there a release date for the next update?

    1. Art progress continues - patrons will be getting an update with several completed scenes tonight, as a matter of fact!

      In theory I want to release the final update of this chapter before too long, but this release cycle (I've put out yet another patch just now) has prevented me from getting much done ahead of time.

  15. Man, I felt that my Law - Chaos scale has shifted more into Chaos... I did like to torture Estaven but damn even after hearing the torture and how he pleaded not to be, that really puts me in my ease... Ginasta however, She is really hurt causing more damage to all than to the enemy, hopefully I can heal that in any method aside from sex. Overall, the update was a like an explosion of events somewhat similar but slightly more emotional (because I loved the Impaler and I don't want him to die but I did because I made terrible decisions) than the 3rd Arclentian War.

    I will be waiting for the next one as these are worth the wait and the replay from Ch. 1 down to the last

    1. Glad you liked the explosiveness of this one! I wanted to contrast with the steady progression of the last war.

      Ginasta has finished her first and second steps. Expect a lot more of her in the last chapter.

  16. I think this will be a big commentary since i have a lot to say.(yes an ihave to split the text in half )
    English is not my first language so i hope i will be understand more or less. First i will give you my feeling about the two last update and the war in the game next about the game so far and last about something I feel wrong about the game (wrong it probably a too heavy word ; if wrong is -10 and good is +10 what I feel is -3 more or less).and last some big secret I found out ^^.
    The scale of the war and the impact is clearly important and do way better that previous one and have consequence it good in a gamplay and story that think I the player matter. Some choice I made feel bitter and it good that it not a binary good and bad choice and not a Manichean choice do good stuff do not make people harpy. Another good point it a good mixte between preparation and action I played a lot of strategie game and I know in a good strategy the war is win befor the first death 98% of time. But in game like this is better that this war is the 2% of time where have a good strategy is not enough and for two different raison , the first was one was manly preparation (the coup d’état) and it was right a coup need only preparation to work. The two order is two clasical way that a good preparation can go wrong.I thing good strategist have two fear one is that other people intervene and make the ward hard and the other is that the enemie do think so stupide that nothing have be prepared for it. The war against the incubust lord go to the 2% is the fool way the incubus have no strategy what so ever and mess up the strategy of the iris so is like when luffy of One Piece do think totally stupide but some how it completely break plan made by good strategist. And in that point the strategy enter in a action zone where think that do people matter as much as what was the preparation but I think it could have be done better it just a feeling I think that because I seen other serie/ film /other that give me a bitter feeling but I cannot say what it not good egnouth so it probaly not a big deal. The erosia war go wrong because of other interve it made plan go south. The two batle give good anwer to that two go wrong in first the good anwer. Owerhaul I think war is the culmitaded point of each big fight if you continued like that the next chapter will end in a big war.Next point will be think I think in a bad way (somehow even for me the sentence feel wrong in english :). First it about the information you give for do decision. I understand and it good for realistic point that not give all info is good but for a so good staff i thing they give too vague answer to question they should know and too concrete to question they should have less concrete answer. I think for exmple if you could have info like : army size and quality and front statut you should too have think like level of relation with contry and level of suplies so with that we could know if seend suply for help will do bad or good think and I think some time you should too give notice of past action for exemple: you have in the war a choice : Advance Cautiously or Advance Aggressively the choice depend of the situation : Advance Cautiously is ok in Early Troops and good in the Hold Back path but Advance Aggressively is bad in Hold Back and good in Early Troops I think a line of dialogue like you should notice that we have seen troupe early so we scout the zone . Or we have just arive maybe some bad news awainting use .Overall I think more info should be give with regard to competence of staff and they should give opignion and point out important info.
    Last it not a bad think it just a hope for the next game. Simon is realy a good character but he is a too perfect I would like to have a less perfect character to have him/her grow in the story. Another choice is to add a disciple to the MC .

    1. Robin is almost that but should have be less perfect personaly if I would have to go back to time and and force you to change something I would force you to add a son to simon: he would be the bad son smart but not thinking , a litle arogan… and made him grow into a good man or go wrong if bad choice is made.Finaly I find a secret : the variable 153 and 154 check it call ivala and ivala tite so ivala confirm as harem member ;)
      And finaly if you want me explain some bad writing sentence ask me.

    2. Hi, thanks for your commentary! I think I mostly understand you.

      I definitely wanted this war to feel more chaotic, so I'm glad that aspect worked for you. And I'm glad some people are facing the hard decisions instead of managing to minmax them away!

      If I understand you correctly, you wish that the player was given more context for making decisions? I actually made an effort to do that this war (with the front numbers and text hints about the current status) so I'm sorry it missed the mark.

      Simon being a highly experienced character definitely colors the game, and I understand it won't work for everyone. All I can say for now is that long term character development also interests me and I hope to do more of it in future games.

    3. I played 3 time
      one without any help
      one with the wiki
      and one with cheating power with use rpg maker mv for change whater i want

      ( by the way i am some one that have tendancy to guess a lot of possible route) ans since some time i fell like wendi is a threat and simon will have to kill her ... it just a feeling but somehow it a possibility i cannot dennied and the last scene in this update make it pass to a 3% probability to a 5% probability

    4. For retake the part with you may have not understant. the probleme is that some decition you make we do lack two think info about the hiden stat and info about.

      For exemple why if we can have the actual number of army size and quaity why can we not have the actual number of economy suply and other?
      And by writing that i notice something simon harem lack of a realy key member and it a miracle that we have avoided catastroph wait?... we have not. The member is a spiecmaster i think simon should have keep the woman behind the kingsman as spider or find a another but it not too late after the last war simon will rething and use the weird guy as spyce or find a spycegirl.

    5. Giving the player information versus hiding it is always a balance. I actually originally planned not to make RP values visible, but decided that it would annoy me as a player. I want some aspects of the game to operate qualitatively instead of being just more numbers, but I don't always hit the mark there.

    6. I think it because is a very powerfull abstraction you can transform complexe idea into simple think: if you ask me how is two army one i say is in a good shape and the other in a ok status you may have difficulty to understant but if i tell you one army is a 6/10 and the other at 5/10 you will easly understant how far they are in moral in abstract way very easly it why number is so ussefull

  17. Hi Sierra,
    Really enjoying the new update and am always baffled by how much work you're putting in for us!
    Unfortunately I've run into a softlock that occurs at the (SPOILERS for any players reading?) Ghenalese Battlefield checkpoint, immediately after the forced save (Mestan confronts the demon-orcs and the quick chat with the strange Tower-like black-haired character).
    I'm not sure what to do about this. Should I share my current save file? Judging by the comments here, I'm the first one to encounter this issue...

    1. There was an issue at that point in the first build (0.44.0), caused by a rock blocking Aka from running northwards, but it was fixed. Are you playing the latest version (0.44.6)?

      If you're on the latest version, the only thing I can imagine that might be causing it is if the wandering Rodak succubus is in the way somehow. Sharing your save would be useful in that case.

    2. I'm new to MEGA but I think I did this right. I assume only the actual save file is needed, but let me know if I need to include other files!!D3wkhQaR!CJ-guEzuEsYhtlfwuIb_bW5O1SethE2i156-ICFxlGM

    3. Forgot to answer the question: I am running 0.44.6

    4. Thanks, Demon, I can replicate the problem with that save file. It probably won't happen if you replay from your previous save.

      Sierra: as suspected, it's the Rodak succubus getting in the way of Aka running to Balia's rescue. She's not visible, but I'm pretty sure she's there, since if I tick the "through" option in the bottom left of her second event page, then the lockup does not occur.

      Not sure if that's the best way to solve it, or if it'd be better to just move her somewhere else once that event page activates.

    5. Thanks for investigating the report! Probably best to make the succubus disappear with the same switch that triggers that scene.

  18. I have wondered this for a while: is Sabitha's battle sprite her true form? Or is it just a placeholder?

    1. Neither. Sabitha's true form is lost, even to her, but her battle sprite still resembles it.

  19. There seems to be a bug where the game hangs when Balia tries to stop the undead orc and after it goes to your inventory screen, the game just hangs

  20. It seems the bug was fixed in the recent .6 update but apparently I missed an entire dungeon (Ancient Ruins) for the Incubus King Glove, is it possible to go back there and get it?

    1. Yes, it will remain. Though you will miss the Incubus pin if you do not get it by next update.

    2. All the more reason to get there and do it, I save enough pr0n for this moment to open it up.

  21. The Steam version is still 0.44.5 though, you may want to update that.
    I stopped playing at the 0.35 update, then so many things await me when I get back. The overwhelming information swarming at me makes me wonder if I should play every single update possible :)

    1. It looks like the Steam update is live, so you might want to check for any queued updates that are stuck.

      If you stopped playing that many versions ago, you have a lot of content waiting for you. ^-^

    2. OK I updated and went through the war, pretty exhausted after all those calculating phases.

  22. So Sierra is the Thief that encountered during the war was one of the Magekillers? if so does that mean we'll encounter them at chapter 5 and finally kill them?

    1. You will encounter the Magekillers one more time, but no comment about the thief.

    2. Magekillers: Why are you attacking us? We turned over our life of crime and now oversee an orphanage!
      Simon: I know...but I really want to complete set of all your hats.

    3. Then we bring all 4 hats to the orc, who really loves hats in Yhilini mines, and he reveals that he was Ivala all along. =)

  23. I've been wondering about this for a while. Is Sabitha's battle sprite her true form or just a placeholder?

    1. Neither. Sabitha's true form is lost, even to her, but her battle sprite still resembles it.

  24. The True Princess Armor currently increases the physical damage that Nalili receives by 50%. Intentional or bug?

    1. Bug! My mouse slipped when I was adding increased Lust Point generation to the armor. Good catch, thanks.

  25. I think I found a bug, or I'm missing something. In the ancient ruins, after defeating all the enemies and removing both the stones on the left, The chest is still inaccessible. Is it simply not implemented yet? I can't get there from either the standard teleports or the hidden one.

    1. I did, the middle tile in the top row is a teleport for me.

    2. There's another trick yet. I assume there's an exact guide on the wiki, so here's a hint: you've ran into a switch that turns teleports on/off earlier in that dungeon.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hey Sierra, I was wondering if you knew about the game Conquest ? To summarize, it's the middle game between Overwhored and The Last Sovereign. I feel like it resemble yours a lot, especially the Mistress Route. If you don't know it, here's the link if you want to play (I really want to convince you to play, but I don't find anything to add):

    1. Yes, I played it back in the day. Shame the creator is probably not coming back.

    2. Did playing it have given you some idea for TLS ? B the way, what was your first inspiration to actually make this game ?

    3. The inspiration for TLS was playing adult games and wanting to do some things differently. Though Conquest was on my mental radar at the time, it wasn't a major part of my thinking because I felt it struck the balance it wanted well.

  28. I just wanted to know if in the final fight against the Fucklord, if he should have basic attacks or not. I didn't even mean to silence him, I was just seeing what disrupt would do to him, but after he was silenced he just sat there and took all of the damage I was giving him, not even trying to put up a fight.

    1. It looks like this only applies if the Fucklord is at his absolute weakest, i.e. if he is "bleeding profusely" and "exhausted" at the start of the fight. At that point, he loses some immunities, including for Silence, which I assume is deliberate - Sierra has stated that the final fight should be a curbstomp if you've done as well as possible in the previous fights.

      I do think he should have a bottom-priority attack which he can use when silenced, though. I kinda like the idea of a weak "The Fucklord flails ineffectually!" skill, which would help sell the fact that he's pretty much doomed at that point... :-D

    2. While I did intend him to be increasingly weak to status effects, I neglected to consider that all of his abilities could be silenced (that's usually not relevant on bosses for obvious reasons). I will give him a physical attack, good catch!

  29. Hey Sierra, I have a couple of minor dialogue issues to report regarding the Premium Steel investment:

    First, since the investment has been available and mostly unchanged since chapter 2, the dialogue that takes place after acquiring it feels a little bit odd if done late into chapter 4. You did good keeping it mostly in general terms, but the bit with Trin feels a little weird (she questions why we don't just take whatever we want from the shop "being tyrants and all", she should have figured out we don't ransack random shops seeing as we've been ruling half the continent for over a year now).

    Second, there are some peculiarities with the custom equipment quests:

    Varia and Altina's quests work independently from the Premium Steel investment, this works mostly fine for Altina since we kinda stumble into the requirements for her custom weapon, but it feels a bit odd when Varia randomly seeks out dwarven steel during our visit to Eustrin and acts like we know what she's talking about.

    Lastly, there's a dialogue with the seller of Seer Crystals for Robin's custom weapon that irks me a bit, if the player doesn't have the premium steel investment during chapter 3. After talking with the mage selling Seer Crystals, Robin will mention that we're bound to find an use for a Seer Crystal in the future, seemingly implying we should buy it even if we don't have an immediate use for it, but then nothing happens and we can't purchase the Seer Crystal until chapter 4.

    1. Hey, sorry it took me a while to reply. Going back over a lot of old segments always takes me a bit while I'm busy working. Thanks for your attention to detail!

      While this is an edge case, the game already has a huge amount of variant dialogue, so why not more? I agree with you about Trin and added an alternate version. Though I don't like the idea of limiting the Eustran steel since it makes the game a bit more fiddly, I agree it doesn't make sense, so I changed it.

      Robin's line, however, is actually what I intended. That's the alternate dialogue for if you don't have the proper investments.

    2. As long as Eustrin Steel can still be bought during chapter 4, limiting it is probably not a problem, just have to keep in mind Eustrin is closed off after the Synod so if the player doesn't own Premium Steel by then they will have to wait until Eustrin is open again.

      Ah, so I guess Robin's line is there to draw the player's attention so they remember where the Crystal seller is for when they are finally able to work on Robin's custom equip. This is good.

      While I would agree skipping Premium Steel is definitely an edge case for a blind playthrough (who can resist the allure of custom equipment?), I feel it is a good idea for more optimized playthroughs, the financial returns aren't great and there are a lot of very valuable investments in the post-reunion section. Tidying this scenario for future players, in particular guide followers, will probably be worth it.

      Thank you for your hard work Sierra! Can't wait for this chapter's conclusion!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hey, any news on the update?
    You said it would be a small one and i hope nothing serious happened.

    1. No, nothing serious happened, just a multitude of small things eating my time. The unexpected viral success of my new book really knocked me back a step, for example. I'm not happy that the update isn't done either and it's my main priority, but it will be late.

  32. Just want ask 2 question no related with TLS but with Ouroboros.

    You have the idea from where? a book , a anime, manga ...
    and i love the concept do you planned to do more game like tjat ?

    Ps i hope a update soon, but i understant you have to live time to time too.

    1. Ouroboros actually wandered quite far from the original idea, which was just thinking about stories with repeated quests, like the Zelda series. The idea of one person living through all those cycles struck me as interesting, but then the idea evolved as I was working on it to focus on a cycle like Ouroboros did.

      I don't intend to do another game based on exactly the same concept (unless I have an idea I think is really exceptional), but I do hope to do more small games based on various experimental premises in the future!

    2. I don't know if you knon the anime and roman re zero or the film egde of tomoro but this two could give you idea of how big the concepte can be eiter by made it larger (rezero) or heighter

      ps i just played the free version the not free version does it add a lot in the game ?

  33. Hi.
    So, i'v been playing this game for a while now and simply like it. I mean that i like a lot about this story and plotwise since it's not simply sex game with tons of sex scenes and stuff. Since sex is also text based i mostly skip it. Don't care much about that stuff. I'm here for the story, hard truths, thrills, excitements and other stuff.
    However.. Since You keep reminding Us the players it's going to soon end.. How much of this game is yet to come? I mean by playable hours or so?
    Since i like this game a lot there are time to time feelings that You've skimmed some parts. Like You get to new part of place or map and You are there for few hours (real time) and there's like a lot of missing. For example that elves forest.. That so called hevenly being mother. She appears, has a talk with Simon and leaves. Would have liked to have more options to look around, find places that could have been visited by her or where she could have been before getting that hevenly shard and starting to think of herself as goddess. Also like getting to real reasons why something happen or how it happen. There were those 2 different elves communities with a little about why they didn't much like each other or so but to get to actual truth about why or how it started felt like missing. Also since You plan on ending game soon i'v thought about there could be so much more content for this game, like taking down those so called godesses, exploring very depth of tower (even if it's like extremely dangerous), like getting all those evil shards and i'f someone or something would create more of those to even world or something.
    What i mean is that this game could have and should have so much more than ending so soon. I know that it's been a long and hard work for You but simply seeing it end sooner or later would kinda sucks (sorry if it was inappropriate for saying kinda sucks). Like i said. I simply like so much how this game feels and looks. But could have so much more.

    1. Keep in mind SL is saying the game is getting to it's ending, not ending right now. We still have the conclusion of chapter 4, ALL of chapter 5, an afterwards and epilogue and whatever else. Plenty of time for more.

      As for wanting to look closer at what the goddess are doing and going deeper into the tower I get it, but keep in mind simon an Co have a lot of things on the plates they are spinning. It's understandable that so much of our focus has been on the FL because he was the most urgent, potentially world destroying/enslaving threat.

      In comparison "The Mother" despite showing up in chapter 3, was not a major threat before, much like the Lustlord she seemed content to stay in her own corner of the world. At she was until this last update of course.

      All that being said I imagine we are going to be exploring those at length soon. I'd be interested to see how our group functions now that we no longer have a mustache twirling villain to oppose.

      But for all that I said, I get were you are coming from. After Game of Thrones I understand the fear that the story you invested so much time in will end in a lazy, poorly thought out, cliche, uncharacteristic, boring, nonsensical, badly written, bad, disappointing, unfulfilling, unsatisfying, dull, hated end.

      But I think after everything I trust SL to deliver the same quality she has shown in making this story to how she ends it.

      But I swear to god SL if you are reading this, if you kill the anak after one battle, have The Empress stab Simon when he decides to burn down Yhilin, and make Antarion the Big dicked King in the end, I'm gonna be pissed.

    2. Hi, thanks for playing and commenting! I'm glad you enjoy my work. ^-^

      If you look back a ways, I did a post where I outlined the overall shape of the game. As the other commenter said, there's a full sized fifth chapter plus more concluding content. Many of the issues you raised will be a major focus as I try to bring TLS to a satisfactory conclusion. It won't explore every single corner of the world, but it will be a comprehensive ending.

      >But I swear to god SL if you are reading this, if you kill the anak after one battle, have The Empress stab Simon when he decides to burn down Yhilin, and make Antarion the Big dicked King in the end, I'm gonna be pissed.

      Curses, you've predicted my plot. Antarion is king, Varia is Master of Coin, and Qum is Grand Maester.

  34. Hello hope for a update this week ?( or a least this month

    1. It should be this weekend unless something goes wrong.

  35. Not directly related to the newest content, but I seem to having control issues. In my original game, I was able to assign the "Q" button to open the Quests page of the menu. I can't seem to do it with my newer game, or perhaps I forgot how to do it.

    1. Sorry, but I'm not sure what the issue might be off-hand. I would recommend asking on the wiki.
