Friday, March 21, 2025

TLS 0.79.2 Public Release + Kickstarter Finale!

New update is public!


*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

TLS 0.79.2

 - Additional bugfixing and polishing.

 - Some new sprites, faces, and busts.

 - Some fixes/improvements for the battle busts.

 - Fix for the "Points Are Power" achievement. It could be obtained in some instances, but not all.

As you can see, I am hoping that this is a big stable release that will last for a while. The only remaining achievement report is taken care of, the new sprites/battlers are polished, etc. If not, there's still time to fix it, but I hope this is solid. >_<

Meanwhile, the DStP campaign has smashed its stretch goals - that means the game's scenes will all be fully animated and voice acted! We're down to under a week, so we have rolled out some new tiers and a final stretch goal:

This is the biggest opportunity I've ever offered to get involved in my game design: in addition to stuff like your portrait in the game, you could design one of the princess's custom outfits, add an NPC, or even direct an entire new scene! More attention will arrive via KS in the final 48 hours, so if any supporters want first pick, now is the time. ^-^

Friday, March 14, 2025

TLS 0.79.0 Released!

New update for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStarVersion history updated, you know what to do, etc.

TLS 0.79.0

 - The heart of the update is a major new feature: combat busts. The characters will now show up in battle via a huge amount of new art (500+ images!) from Annikath.

 - Additional dialogue busts: Commander Geoff, Lady Entila.

 - Tertiary NPCs in Feroholm: head priestess, initial bartender, Simon's neighbor, incompetent priestess

 - Tertiary NPCs in Stineford: weapon shop kid, pervert guard, mold succubus

 - Tertiary NPCs in Yhilin: Janine's staff (x5), head of the Order of Thaumaturgy, elven mage in slums, Square Girl, misc soldiers

 - Lynine and Orilise now have unique assistants.

 - Other tertiary NPCs: Strevin (Megail's dwarven contact), Hadi (maid at the first Gathering), Simon's friend in Delgar Forest, Fball succubus

 - Areas with increased NPC diversity: Stineford succubi, Eustrin dwarves

 - Sister Kara has a fixed/improved sprite.

 - Added content to the Eustrin conference event so that it's impossible to get stuck, even with a worst possible save.

 - More bugfixing and polishing than you'd expect at this stage.

This update has two major new pieces, most obviously the visual additions to combat. While this was a major investment, I figured that the player spends a lot more time in combat than viewing any specific scene, so I hope it is worth it. The combat busts should always appear behind relevant combat information like damage numbers, so they should be visual flare without obscuring any info.

Thanks to Annikath for all the art, of course, but extra special thanks to Rachnera! Without his coding on the original battle busts system, TLS would never have gotten this major new feature.

The other aspect, less flashy but a lot more time-consuming for me, is a pixel upgrade: many minor characters who used to have generic appearances now have custom faces and sprites. I also updated a few areas that had limited numbers of NPC types, so they're now more varied. This required changing hundreds of sprites and text boxes (>_<) but I hope it makes the world of TLS a little more colorful and filled out.

This update should go public in a week, barring surprises, but meanwhile we have exciting news on the DStP Kickstarter for everyone:

We have passed 400% of our goal, and we only need to hit 450% in order to make every sex scene in the game fully animated! All of the money toward this goal will go to Annikath, so if you have appreciated her work and want to see her do more animations, this would support her directly, me indirectly, and DStP overall. ^-^

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Don't Save the Princess Kickstarter Pre-Launch

I hope everyone is enjoying the TLS update, which, by the way, just got a hotfix to address all known bugs with achievements. There will likely be more, but I'll do my best to stay on top of everything!

Meanwhile, I have an exciting new announcement: we have set up the pre-launch campaign for the Don't Save the Princess Kickstarter! This has been a long-running side project, delayed time and time again as I focused on TLS, but it has been getting close in the background and the plan is get it over the finish line via a Kickstarter campaign:

If you don't know about this project, you can get more information on Steam. We actually have a fully animated sex scene, which is hard to link but you can find on my Twitter if you have that. There should be a Newgrounds version later, if you follow me there.

All platforms are getting less hospitable: the days when a person could launch a Kickstarter with just an idea are long over, and lately even polished campaigns are failing. Before I take a shot at something bigger, I want to have a finished campaign under my belt, hopefully with lots of happy backers.

If you're interested in this project, great: please follow the page and donate what you want later. If you don't care, feel free to ignore.

However, if you are on the fence, wanting to support me or my general ambitions but not enthusiastic about this step... maybe throw me a buck. The more individual users are supporting the project, the more reputable it will look, both for making this campaign a success and for setting up for future ones. Since all algorithms are sadly winner-take-all these days, I'm trying to do whatever I can to get on top of those waves instead of sinking under.

I'm not sure exactly when the campaign will launch, but this is something I hope to finally clear off my plate, a fun little diversion after so long on the heavy work of TLS. ^-^ Please join me if this looks interesting!

Friday, February 14, 2025

TLS 0.78.2 Public Release

New update is public!


*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

I put links above as usual, but you may want consider playing the Steam version this time due to all the new achievements! Trading cards and other Steam items have been activated as well.

In non-Steam news, please check out all the new attack animations! I put a ton of work into this, trying to make the game more visually striking throughout. There's also quite a bit of visual polishing above, taking the game increasingly close to the final release. ^-^

Happy Valentine's Day, I guess?

Friday, February 7, 2025

TLS 0.78.0 Released!

New update for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStarVersion history updated, you know what to do, etc.

TLS 0.78.0

 - All 169 achievements for Steam are now added and active.

 - Over a hundred new attack animations added and thousands of changes made to the enemy database. Few balance changes, just an overhaul of the visuals.

 - New sprites for certain characters: Aka, Robin, Uyae, Grynyth, Bertricia, Fheliel, Sarai, Tertia, Varia, Wendis. All sex animations have been updated to match.

 - New battlers added: Mestan and Lilith.

 - Sequence of new map images added to the intro.

 - A significant number of busts thanks to Lamsey, culminating in the full Ardford council. I believe we have now changed all the major characters we plan to change.

 - The custom LUK script has been modified yet again, this time hopefully insuring that enemies don't get any extra critical hit chance.

 - Orilise now comments on the library completion throughout the game. She also activates the library achievement.

Unusual update this time. Aside from numerous assorted things I've been working on in the background, the focus is on all the Steam stuff (trading cards and achivements) and the attack animations. Just another step in polishing up the game before the final release.

The main purpose of this update is the public Steam version, so it should only be a week barring some major problem.