Friday, December 8, 2023

TLS 0.72.1 out - public release next week

This one is taking an extra week, less because of size or complexity than the fact that it is the holiday season and players have been relatively slow to get to it.

TLS 0.72.1

 - All 26 events in the Orcent dungeon now have different dialogue for all six forms. You better appreciate this flavor text, because it was so much copy-pasting. T-T

 - New visual assets for Orcent's dungeon thanks to Lamsey.

 - There's a free healing point in Orcent's dungeon as well.

 - New NPCs/dialogue added responding to quest completion.

 - Various balance tweaks throughout, notably a significant buff to Mana Shock.

 - Assorted bugfixing and polishing.

But please look forward to a polished version out next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. 6 forms ? 26 events ? WHOOOOAAA, IT'S OVER 25 !!!!!!!
    Even more pumped to play it now !!!
