Friday, June 7, 2019

TLS 0.43.2 Public Release

New version of TLS!


*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

NOTE: I am aware that the window displays the wrong version number. This is a purely cosmetic error; it's the new version.

Important Reminder: This is the first part of an event that will span more than one update, so the balance may not be final. Keeping saves before the content is strongly advised if balance matters to you, as there may be retroactive changes.

This is a big war update with a whole variety of things going on. Depending on how good your save is, you may have to make some hard decisions. Beyond that, I don't have much to say, but I hope people enjoy the update. ^-^


  1. After this one does other big batlet planned ?

    1. Not sure exactly what you mean, but the next update will also be a large one. When you get to the end of the current content you'll see why.

    2. I mean it is the last batle or will we have a another war ?
      You say that gall fall was last political meeting so if it the laste batle i will sense the end come

    3. Gawnfall was the biggest political event, but that doesn't mean there will be no more politics. Likewise, you can expect Chapter 5 to have some surprises, including war-like events.

    4. I'm just waiting for a war event where the only fail/loss/bad outcome is if you lose the battle with the boss :). One day Simon will have the shards/tower knowledge for it... One day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is one of the best release so far. I hardly see any flow in it. Good job and thank you!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! The next one will be tricky but I'll be hard at work making it. ^-^

  4. Hi Sierra, can you tell me how to transfer saves from one version to another?

    1. Copy the saves form the last version into the folder of the new version than start the game.

  5. Feedback: Robin and Qum Synergys are not there against the Fucklord intentional or a bug? I get the right version number shown but i can´t attach the game to the bar at the bottom of the screen or make any shortcut to play the game like with the previous versions ( Windows yeah) aside from that great update and the art ist really great the Laminas and Harpies are really pretty so i only say keep going!

    1. Intentional: the armor interferes with synergies.

      I'm honestly unsure about what could be causing the other issues you mention. This version should be the same kind of program as all the others.

      Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Hello i play the last update and two special friend die : the impelator and the imp the 3th i redo with another choice and the 3th finaly suvuvie but i ask lyself does a way for save both exist ? It is the worst choice since the choice orc is here too so maybe i t could be kill in a worst choice ?Or maybe i am in a realy bad way where they be kill and better preparation made it imposible?

    So does a way for save all main character existe or no mater what you choice a least one will be death ?

    1. It's possible to save everyone, but I intended to make that pretty difficult. With different choices you can probably save all but one of them, though.

    2. In order to save them all, you have to have the Church's full cooperation from the Council of Gawnfall. Then you have to support the orcs, not Robin, with a spell. If you have those two conditions, plus having all 4 special orcs (Impaler, Implevon, Ralke, and Stark), they all survive.

  7. Siearra Lee, are you going to somehow continue with Vhala story? Is okay if she refuses, but since we can cure unpeople, will we be able to at least ask her?

    1. Vhala has more storyline to come and it will address this, though I've meant to give a sense for her thoughts on the subject.

    2. Yeah I kind of feel like Vhala is quite comfortable with how she is now, and would only ever change if she MAYBE wanted to have a natural end to her life, or BIGGER maybe only wanted to have sex for the purposes of a child.

    3. That'd be a pretty good twist for Vhala. Has her Unwoman transformation undone so she can become a mortal again.

  8. Will Esthera die during the battle of erosia ?

    1. Not sure if you're just speculating? I don't generally just give out spoilers, so you'll have to wait for the next update, sorry.

    2. As a character with a unique portrait she's more likely to end up as a member of the harem then dead.

  9. Sierra Lee, quick question.

    How exactly works Robin's "Dark power"?

    I've been thinking about it for a long time, but it still makes no sense to me. She helped with channeling Simon's power on many occasions, so she already has a certain "skill". But how can she use this power when Simon is not nearby to allow her to draw on his power? She can somehow draw from Simon's shard from any distance? I thought that even incubus kings couldn't do that. Could you please explain this issue a bit?


    1. Robin's gray-haired form is an ability entirely her own that she developed from her experience working with Simon's power. It doesn't require Simon to be nearby but it also doesn't massively power her up or anything. However, it does let her interface with the small shard in the Doom King armor, which grants her additional power.

    2. Oh, I understood it completely wrong. So her gray-haired form is someting like her own attempt to replicate shard power, based on her research and experience witg shards.

      This makes much more sense.
      Thank you for explaining it to me.


  10. I found a weird bug, nobody would ever sumble upon. Before the Estaven confrontation a menu open to heal and change formation. And while I browsed trough skills I noticed the "reflect" power that I never really used or even understood if it has real game implication to use it.
    well, but basicly my game crashed and forced me to play a uncomfortably long section again.

    Btw: If a producer of VR-Games would ever approach you to create or colaborate with you an a VR-Version of TLS: What would you think / say to that?

    1. The Reflect skill is introduced in the Orgasmic Empire and allows you to replay past scenes. While I'm not sure why it would cause a crash, I don't know that we've fully tested using it during sections where the player gets menu access.

      I'll try to look into it. For future reference, this is a situation where your autosave might have been helpful.

      I think a VR version of TLS would be prohibitively expensive. There aren't a lot of full length VR games yet.

  11. Welp, time to delete and start up a new game yet again. XD

  12. Hey SL, hope you're having a good day. I have a question that is more Lore based then actually asking for gameplay change. I was wondering if it is physically possible for humans to use sexual magic. Robin used sexual 'doom lances' but that seemed like it was only because of her using the shard in the armor. If she wanted to for some reason and spent the time training it, is it possible for Robin to do spells like Sexual torment?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lamsey has it right. Robin can and does understand the theory of sexual magic, and hypothetically could cast such spells if she spent time training them, but she's not very well-suited to it.

    3. Okay thank you both for the answers!

    4. (reposting the above comment to fix the wiki link)
      Humans generally use arcane and divine magic, but there are exceptions - for example, Trin uses a mix of sexual and arcane magic. There's more info on the wiki:

  13. Found a bug when preparing for the war.
    Janine comes to your fortress, but if you go to her palace she is also there.

    1. While this is technically inconsistent, it's one of those inconsistencies I'm okay with. The alternative would lock off certain Janine events if players hadn't gotten them yet.

  14. Hey Sierra, could you please clarify to me a couple of things regarding "mana" in the TLS universe?

    My understanding is that, since both mages and warriors rely on it, I had always assumed mana was a pool of magic energy that all living beings have. Mages study it and have a more technical approach when it comes to manipulating the energy, meanwhile warriors instinctively use it to empower their fighting techniques, and most succubi never learn how to use and develop their mana because lust energy comes more naturally to them (Riala and Qum are exceptional mages in their own ways and learned how to tap from both sources and even combine them).

    So, this last update there was that part where Riala asked for more mana to speed up her spell, Yarra was concerned she couldn't help because she doesn't use mana, Riala said it was okay because she could take some life and lust energies from Yarra instead. Is the implication here that Yarra really doesn't have mana? Or that attempting to harvest her mana wouldn't be viable because it is so underdeveloped (similar to Simon struggling to destroy the rocks in the Eustrin tunnel and his cramped muscle metaphor)?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. All living beings possess mana, but not to the same degree. So it's the latter scenario: attempting to harvest mana from a bunch of non-mages would not be a productive strategy in the TLS universe.

  15. Hey Sierra, I just wanted to thank you for your hard work on TLS, I love its fantastic worldbuilding and meaningful hard choices, it managed to get a place in my heart after I felt proud of my orcs.
    Can't wait to see the future developments and your next endeavors.
    Also, out of curiosity, do you intend to keep making games on RPGMaker or moving on to other less restrictive engines?

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed the game so much!

      The engine question is a good one, but there isn't a certain answer at this time. Though I always have ideas, I've avoided thinking too concretely about my next main project because I wanted to keep most of my focus on TLS. When I complete the fourth chapter, however, I'll be making some posts on the subject.

      For my thoughts in general... it's complicated. While RPG Maker has many limitations, it also has advantages. It's one of the few engines where a solo developer (with my skillset) can actually produce a meaningful amount of content. My experiments with Ren'py and Unity have resulted in months-long delays as I waited for other team members. I could probably manage a decent pace with Ren'py and commissions, but I know my fans overall aren't as interested in visual novels. RPG Maker has a lot of issues, but there aren't many equivalent engines.

  16. Not yet a patreon, but bought the dlc in steam. Your game is a narrative wonder. Thanks a lot for the enjoble game.

    1. I appreciate your support, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

  17. Hello after replay the game from the start (but of course with cheating with pron ;) i remmber some early event that we don't have anymore point about it
    1) the old hilstart mercenary i don't remember what hapen to they
    2) the 5 magical girl what hapen to they ?
    3) maybe it explain somewhere but the priest that give simon chosen one to train is call high priest but she isn't since we only have one ( or maybe it just one line of dialogue )
    4) is it plan to have a origin story for cum dump? more the time pass more she intrique me
    5) the place where we found the armor i would like that it explore again and explain what it was it realy intrique me
    6) if the simon fragment was 1 how big the other fragement
    7) i hope we will close or own the hotel where we find lucy i would like to transform it into some think usefull
    8) i would like to meet rhe duc in this town.

    1. Thanks for your questions!

      1) They haven't been seen in some time, but there are plans for them.

      2) Do you mean the Magekillers? If so, same as the above.

      3) This could potentially be an error, but could you screenshot or pinpoint the specific line?

      4) Qum doesn't have a grandiose origin story beyond what details she's given.

      5) The first optional dungeon? I have no major plans for it, but I could potentially let players return in the endgame if there's interest.

      6) If Simon's is a 2, small shards are 1-3 and large shards are 10-12.

      7-8) You'll be going back to Stineford in Chapter 5. ^-^

    2. For 5 i speack about the plae of old shard older where you find the armor of doom king.

      4) i understant but you could have make a great plot twist(for exemple she play dump and in reality is realy smart or she ivala since the star (or a other godness)

      3 i seen it 5 day ago i am already in split party event and i am not realy motive to replay start so soon after have play ( i love the game but even me will be bored to do two time in a so short notice) but i will eventualy replay it but notice i may have misread because of tireness or something like that so don't overworie about that.

    3. For 5 i relly want to understant what have hapen to this place

    4. I'm kinda curious about the red-light mercenaries myself. I feel like we are pretty high above their paygrade now and Hilstaria could beat them herself with a pinkie.

    5. 5) Pretty much the same thing applies to that one too.

      I will say that when the Redlight Mercenaries return, it will be for closure as opposed to as A-list villains.

  18. Hey Sierra will Stark ever meet the king? I feel like they have similar mindsets.

    1. This would be an interesting conversation, but I don't have a meeting planned for the two of them.

    2. It has some poetic potential.

      Btw. After I replayed it I finally realised that Alonon has a Sister. Funny how I missed that part before.

      I think that is intriging.

  19. So how close are we from V0.44.puplic ?
    And will it be the end of the war ?

    1. I wanted to finish the war in 0.44.x, but the war proved to be longer than expected, so this next update is looking like a double-sized one. Though I did consider splitting the content up into two, I decided to go with a bigger update that wraps up almost everything. The next update will finish the war, then the one after that will be aftermath, investment round, and chapter interlude scene.

    2. So the realesse will probaly be late...

      And somethink i ask myself how many Time zone have the world or doe it have only one ? (magic raison)

    3. It won't be coming Friday, but I hope the wait will be worth it.

      The world of TLS wouldn't necessarily have formal time zones, since that's a recent invention. They do have clocks, but not the regulated systems that require strict timekeeping. In any case, there's no magic that would interfere with the normal physics here. So when it's noon in western Ardoheim it's morning in eastern Aram.

    4. Thank for your anwer the think you say about Ardoheim and Aram implied that the distant is way biger of what i think : if the morning is the dawn(5hour in summer) and noon is 12 hour that mean that if we use same Time zone as eart (not the political one but the one basse of noon time) that the distant betwen the two is similar to the distance San francisco berlin or to east part of rusia to the west part. I was think the continant was more a australia like but bigger that what i was thinking but smaller that eurasia or america so it something like a europe size contnantal if you consiterad oural as east limit and irland as west limite

    5. Without being too precise, my intent is that Arclent is between the two. More like 3-4 time zones in size - perhaps I should have said mid-morning in eastern Aram.

    6. Or you should just say betwen the two it have ; X time zone.

      By the way time zone is always give by noon hour : for say a time zone you have to say london is at noon X time after/beford this towwn or a least give exact time like a is at x time where b is a y time.Because if noon is the time where the sol is higher morning is prety vague.
      But thank for your anwerw

  20. Out of curiosity do you planning on making the givini ruins cheaper? The 5 mil cost is pretty staggering considering what you get from the ruins isn't really that beneficial...

    1. The price won't be changing: it's intended as the economic challenge for this chapter. As for the benefit, all I can say is that if you're going for a perfect game, you'll want to have done it.

    2. We are collecting a whole set of incubus stuff which is fun enough :). That way Simon can become the true incubus king (and maybe Yarra can finally convince him to wear the spiky armour for her ;) )

    3. The unique items are there primarily for the challenge, but there will be something enjoyable at the end. ^-^

    4. 5m feels a bit too extreme though. 4m sounds more plausible. For the cost of 5m I'd expect to be able to make Yarra's pin and Nalili's armor too. Or at least a cache for a small power up for Simon.

    5. It's not as if it's a one time only chance. The ruins aren't going anywhere.

  21. I didn't expect much when I first downloaded this game. I had found it randomly and figured I'd give it a shot, as I had nothing better to do. At first I felt the game was rather 'meh', that is until the story actually got started. From there on I have enjoyed every single moment, every fight, every single character. You have created something amazing. Sure, the erotic moments were good but they were made better by the sheer depth of the characters involved. You've succeeded here, with just what you have finished so far, in thoroughly hooking me. Truly, thank you. Not just for the porn, but for the world you have created that is so much more.
    I have to say that I love the orc bits in particular. That whole part of the game really scratched an itch I didn't know I had. Even The Impaler, despite his... unique worldview, was a character that I felt connected to. Thanks again for doing sch a wonderful job with them as well. I can't believe this masterpiece was free- And that it still isn't finished! I'm definitely a fan now and will be checking out your other works when I get the ability to do so. Unfortunately, school keeps me from being able to spend much on games and it will remain that way for at least the next few years.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Hello! I'm glad you've enjoyed what I created so much, and I hope you also enjoy anything else you find the time to try. ^-^ I aim for something a little different with each project, but I try to bring my best.

      It's been nice to see that so many players respond positively to the orc parts. I've enjoyed writing some of those developments.
