Sunday, April 28, 2024

Update on the Final Battle

I'm always updating supporters on Patreon, but I didn't want to leave everyone else following the game in the dark for so long, so I have made a Patreon post public:

More information (and fanart!) at the link, but basically I think it would be fastest and best for the game overall if I did one bigger update instead of two smaller ones. Please look forward to it!


  1. Hello Sierra! I must say as a new comer to this game and seeing its been in development for almost half my age makes me appreciate the passion put into this game and kudos to that. I am a new comer and I don't want to sound like a person who is unappreciative of what this game has become. If I may ask is there a reason as to why from chapter 4 onward, some scenes don't have images? and what would be the outlook of previous chapters getting some love in that department? I am new so please I apologize if this has been address or if I am overstepping. Thank you for creating an amazing game! can't get enough of it.

    1. If you look at the update notes, you'll always see a line saying "X new scenes illustrated". So long as people are still supporting the game on Patreon or SubscribeStar, I'll keep paying Annikath to draw more art, but we can only produce it so fast.

    2. I see Thanks! I didn't know how it worked love everything that you have done!!

  2. Cool, the final battle is released in one go !!!
    That means less wait before the optional dungeon is released, since I won't play the end without having everything in hand, every variables secured, and every inventory slots upgraded ^^
    Good luck, and godspeed !!!

    1. You'll be waiting for a while, then, but that's certainly your prerogative. Will look forward to your comments later, I suppose!

  3. In case no one mentioned it, the redesign of the appearance of Stineford is very good.

  4. ur update will most likely be 1 big and 1 smaller update i say this because u will most likely find some bugs that will need to be fixed

    1. I mean that all the content of the final battle will be included in version 0.74.x, instead of having a full release cycle with half the plot, then finishing the battle in version 0.75.x. Update 74 will no doubt go to .1, .2, and higher, but update 75 will be the next content (optional dungeon).

  5. just saying i dont mean it to be mean but realalistic

  6. Hello Sierra, I really love the game and the story line but I think you should add a few more side quest..on the town or npc for each town n country now i think only 2-3 npcs quest on each town as the story goes most of the side quest were only from the harems(girls)which effects the outcome and hidden facts for the story andon the early stage of the game can you add more pron and sx earning quest. Also can we convert our sx to pron?

    1. It's a valid complaint, and perhaps the game would be better with more sidequests. However, I've done less of these as time has gone on (endgame harem quests excepted) because given how optimization-obsessed the players are, all "optional" side quests will be treated as mandatory.

      You have a limited ability to convert Sx to ProN at various banks!

  7. Could you release it on at some point?

    1. I'm not sure if they'll permit the game, but I intend to try after version 1.0.0.
