Friday, July 5, 2024

TLS 0.74.7 Public Release

New update is public!


*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the RTP link.

Whew, here we finally are. I've been living and breathing this content for the past month, and tons of players have given it a shot, but this is a lot of fresh story anyone playing for the first time! During the development I have added more content, refined balance significantly, and tweaked all manner of things. Hopefully it will be a fun conclusion for everyone. ^-^

As I've said elsewhere, this update fulfills many of the promises I've made over the course of TLS. The remaining plot threads will be wrapped up in the optional dungeon, epilogue, and postgame. This isn't the end, not by any means, but we've definitely reached one of the last big milestones.

If you have enjoyed TLS over the years, please consider throwing something my way. I assume at this point people have used Patron or SubscribeStar if they wanted, but a review on Steam would also be helpful! Or honestly, I'd be happy just to get a comment. I've worked hard on this, both the game and the final battle, and I hope you enjoy it!

EDIT: I've updated the game on as well, in particular adding an unpacked version in response to player request. I cannot offer true support for mobile, but I hope this helps those who attempt it.


  1. At just shy of 100 hours in my first playthrough, gonna pause that until development is basically wrapped up, very excited to see where you go from here as TLS has been easily the best RPGMaker game I've ever played.

    1. It's up to you how you play, but I think after this update would be a logical place to pause until picking up the game again. Either way, thanks for the kind words. ^-^

  2. Pretty good game, I loved it. I've spent more than 600 hours and I don't regret a single one I've invested in this game. It is obvious that you have put a lot of effort and dedication into this project and it is greatly appreciated, I hope you do great in this and other projects.

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your kind words, and especially appreciate that you've enjoyed my work so much. ^-^

  3. Hey Mate! thanks for the update, i started playing a month ago (via steam) and haven't spent a single day without playing it. you sry created something awesome here!

    1. Thanks, glad to hear you've gotten so much enjoyment out of it!

  4. Congratulations. Your Magnus opus is almost complete.
    If I may, would you consider extending the bad ending a bit or making a short story/game based on it?

    1. Well, part of the point of that ending is that it's a bit of a mystery: I hoped to fire the player's imagination, but let them decide on their own exactly what the new world would mean. That said, I could potentially return to that outcome. Was there anything in particular you hoped for?

    2. I was hoping for an Ouroboros-like situation. But that would negate the bad part of the bad ending, as it would become something like a teaser for a dlc/expansion pack

  5. Having played the update, you have really made something special with this game.

    1. Thank you. This update was meant to fulfill many promises, so I'm glad the reception has been largely positive. ^-^

  6. It's close to ten years since I saw your first version at Nomoshin's forum, I'm really glad to see this reaching completion, and doing so in a way that very few will ever hope to reach, the final battle has been absolutely amazing, my only (very minor) complaint was not having proper bad endings for defeats during this scenario.

    IMHO this isn't just *the* best weg rpg game, but one of the best indie rpgs ever made and certainly the game that takes the "choices matter" line the most serious.

    I don't like patreon and similar, but I guess I can always tip you by buying your other games on steam, right?

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it overall! This was definitely my big shot at bringing everything to a satisfying conclusion.

      You're the second person to want more from the failure paths. I'm not saying I wouldn't ever do it, but it's a lot of effort for something that most people will never see. There are game overs, even entire scenarios, that I'm not sure a single player has really experienced (I've only gotten feedback from data miners). That said, I do have more time and energy now than I did when in the thick of making this section.

      If you're interested in my other games, feel free! There's also a donation DLC on Steam, or you could give a tip on Patreon and then immediately cancel your pledge to be charged only once.

  7. Kino. I haven't played it yet but this game is on my vidya 3x3 and I'm hoping this overtakes my previous favorite part of the game, being the Incubus Prison + Aftermath.

    1. I gave it my best shot, so I hope you enjoy!

  8. Congratulations! I'm still early in but I'm glad you completed your goal! Thank you for the amazing experience so far!

    1. Hope you keep enjoying it! Let me know your favorite parts. ^-^

  9. So far I'm absolutely loving the final battle, but I can't seem to beat the Lustlord fight when the Anak summons the shadows of previous Incubus Kings. He always just ends up healing faster than I can damage him after debuffing my party. Any tips would be incredibly appreciated!

    1. Someone else reported the same, and after testing, I think this fight is harder than I intended it to be. The Shadow Lustlord is weaker than the previous real version, but you likely don't have enough options for buffs and debuffs.

      Eventually there will be a retuned version, but until then there's been strategy discussion on Discord, or you can avoid this fight entirely if your Aka has enough variables in her favor.

  10. Haven't played the update yet, but I wanted to ask if the optional dungeon is always after the final battle, or will it be possible to complete it before the battle? I wanted to see if I need to wait for the dungeon before starting the battle. Thank you so much for making this gem of a game!

    1. The optional dungeon can only be completed before the final battle, so keep a save! It will have an impact on the final battle, but not a major one.

  11. Congratulations on getting to the finish line, Sierra! I've been a long time fan, I believe since the beginning of chapter 3, and it's been a wild ride watching the progress you've made with this masterpiece of an epic RPG. I'm very happy to see that you've stuck through this to the end, as from my experience most don't even come to completing a quarter of their projects before abandoning them. Just cements your status as perhaps the best writer in this corner of the internet, if not in the eyes of the community then at least in the pocket you've carved out for yourself.

    My only question is, do you have any plans for the future? Is there a second, ten-year long epic coming our way? :o

    1. Thanks for all the kind words! I will at some point make longer posts about my future plans, but until then I end up giving the same partial answers repeatedly.

      Though I want to eventually begin another extended project (perhaps a space opera) there will be a period of time where I finish smaller games while doing revisions and improvements on TLS. Hopefully that will give me a break and let me establish my foundation so I can make the best decisions about the next project to invest a significant portion of my life into.

  12. Hello Sierra. This update has been very moving and satisfying to me. I am very happy on how everything comes together and your agency as a player.
    The only feedback I have is that the Fucklord torture did not come back. Currently, there are very little upsides to not torturing him (which I feel is the more moral choice, no matter how evil he may be) I only hope that making the choice to not having tortured the Fucklord will help Wendis in a positive way in the post-game.

    1. This also came up in the Patreon comments and I'm going to paste my response from there:

      "This is a result of my obsessive thinking about the nature of video game decisions. I don't expect everyone to agree, but I'll give you my thoughts.

      There are many different types of moral decisions in games, from pure choice as flavor to situations where the ethical decision is meant to be ambiguous. One type TLS uses frequently is decisions where the right choice is clear, but more difficult. There have been other experiments, with varying degrees of success in my opinion, but I view that type as central.

      I spend a lot of time thinking about this, and the torture decision is the extreme form: there was never any intended negative for letting it happen. Is torture still wrong if it's the expedient choice? Players can decide that for themselves, but I think that the balance is loose enough that players can still get good outcomes if they decide that it matters to them.

      As for the in-universe reasoning, I tried to make that clear in Wendis's conversation afterwards."

      I could have it come up in the postgame, I suppose, but Wendis is going to be fairly happy in that situation regardless. I don't know, maybe another little philosophical ramble about ethics? =P

      In any case, I am glad you found the update both moving and satisfying. ^-^

  13. It's been about a year since I last played all there was to be played, and this game and this story is the best game and story I've lived through since Harry Potter. I'd argue they're on the same top shelf of unparalleled work of art, insofar as depth of narrative and the exploration of the human soul are concerned. To be quite frank, there's a chance I'm overselling Harry Potter right now, cause what you do here in this story and its branches and possibilities is probably beyond my capacity to praise right now. I can't wait to play my favorite game of all times (TLS) and finish the whole thing. Thanks for your time and effort and genius in producing what you do, with the excellency that you do.

    With love and appreciation, a big fan <3

    1. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it so much and I hope you find the finale satisfying!

    I am literally sobbing right now I just paused the game to comment!

    1. I'm glad it could have an effect on you. ^-^ Hope you enjoy the rest!

    2. t was super dope, until I realised that somehow my save was deemed "truly disasterous" XD Now I am afraid I am locked into a bad ending after 160+ hours.
      When I realised that Wendis can ONLY be transformed back if I reached a treshhold for the Goddess of Magic at Gawngfall I was super dissappointed - also it seemed like a weird loop for me, since the very same goddess becomes an ally later on - yet does not hand over the crystal then.
      I wanted to ask: Am I locked into the bad ending because of Wendis and Gawnfall, or can I still salvage the save with handling the final battle differently or maybe investing in Megails Bomb instead of Feroholm or something like that?

    3. It's impossible to answer that question without more information. You should definitely do Megail's quest; it has a major effect on the final battle and it will give you more money.

      There are multiple ways to get the necessary resources for Wendis and I don't think it should be possible to be locked out of them entirely. I would advise you ask the community and give more information, both regarding your best strategy and what paths are available to you.

    4. Hmm, I might have to ask around. But I am kind of pessimistic about this. I used the search function in the Wiki-Pages searching for "Crystal of Harmony", and that Item truly only seems to exist once in the game, after the council of Gawnfall.
      I absolutely agree that a playtrough should not be locked into a bad ending because of one specific, unmarked, questpoint, and moreover that there should be possibilities to get a crystal of harmony tough other means later.
      But the wiki does not seem to fascilitate that claim :(

    5. I would have sworn I added this, and it turns out there was a good reason for that: there is an option to purchase the Crystal of Harmony if you missed it... but this option is restricted such that players can't get to it. This has been in the game for years and apparently no one has ever mentioned it. I'm sorry about this and will fix it next build. =/

    6. Well, I am super glad I was able to help with that, now!
      Always interessted in helping fellow creatives :)

      And I am glad it will be fixed next build.

      I was on vacation, so late reply.

  15. Hello, didn't mean to interrupt the whole stream of pleasantries and wishes for the best here (I fully join in). But I have to report a potential minor bug I came across, in map 907:Battlefield Locus in event "EV051" on position (001,000).
    There is a branch at the end that checks the switch "Sabitha 2: Aka" and in it, a ballon icon call occurs before Sabitha's line. But in the similar branch above in switch "Sarai Quest Done == ON" this ballon icon is missing.
    Also, in the same place, the last replica of the section from Vhala/Yarra is inside the same condition "Sabitha 2: Aka == ON", although logically it should trigger independently of that, as a bit above.
    That's all I've noticed so far and it's not critical, but please check it out.

    1. No problem, thanks for the reports! These both look like minor oversights, so I got them fixed quickly.

    2. There's another thing I can't figure out, maybe it's supposed to be that way, but I don't know the whole structure of events and can't tell.
      On maps 908:Light Stronhold and 909:Dark Stronhold in event (003:000) at the end of the page when checking the switches "HESTER ARRIVES FIRST" and "XERCES ARRIVES FIRST" in one of the branches transition to the next location is there, but in the other instead just text about moving, like in debug. The text was previously written for both branches, so it must be a possible path.
      Maybe I don't understand something, but please take a look, just in case.

    3. I don't believe those branches will run in those instances. Are you just poking through the game without having played it?

  16. There's a problem on game_actor : 266
    Where the auto equipment optimize doesn't work

  17. Also I can't equip other equipment only first weapon

    1. Going to reply to both of your comments here. The game shouldn't have an actor 266 and not being able to equip weapons would be a game-breaking problem, so I think the first thing you should check is that your game download/install worked properly, and that you aren't using any sort of mods.

    2. It says there a problem at Script Game_Actor line 266 no method error
      Also I can only equip first hand only the others are messing

    3. This does not sound like something that could happen due to a bug on my end, but is more likely to do with an invalid installation somehow. If you're sure, please give more reports to players on the forum or Discord to see if they can figure out more.

  18. Spoilers ahead, read at your own peril.
    Hey Sierra and team, I've been having trouble with 1 fight in particular in the new endgame content. To be clear, I haven't had fights that I couldn't eventually win with enough head-bashing, but I feel like I'm missing something with the revived Lustlord fight. My team is sitting at about level 105, and I have Aka, Yarra, Ginasta, Robin, Lillith, and Uyae. I haven't been able to bring his HP past about 70%, having tried several times and maximizing my offensive stats. Barring loading an older save and trying to split my teams differently, this seems to be a dead end for me. Do you have any advice?

    1. Sorry you got hit with this! Another person reported it, and after testing I decided this fight should be nerfed, but I haven't uploaded a new build yet. You may be able to get help from someone on the Discord in the interim.

      One reason this fight wasn't tested with many saves is that the more common route is to avoid it altogether (this will happen if you have done enough for Aka). So improving Aka before the final battle and doing her harem quest would be another route through.

    2. Thanks for your attention! Regrettably, I didn't have the research done for Aka's knife.

    3. Yeah, in that case all you can do is wait for the next update or ask for help elsewhere (Discord or forum).

  19. Hello, I absolutely loved the update, and now I'm even more looking forward to the bonus dungeon (and the ever-elusive harem member).

    I have a more lore-related question that I feel like I can ask now since almost everything is in the open. From what point does Hester know that Simon is an Incubus King? Xerces knows from the moment you enter the Tower (and possibly during the entire chapter 3 as well). Does Hester only know from the moment Simon is trapped inside the Incubus Prison or earlier already?

    1. I'm afraid to answer this question without reviewing her dialogue during the relevant scenes, actually. She suspected earlier than the Incubus Prison, but I couldn't tell you when she became more certain offhand.

      Anyway, glad you enjoyed the update. ^-^

    2. Ah that's fine. An earlier scene that I found that Hester is probably at least slightly suspicious (knowing what we know now), is during the first succession crisis at the start of chapter 4, when Hester and Sarai are talking and Hester asks off-handedly if Sarai knows where the chosen are coming from.

  20. I have been replaying parts of chapter 5 and I encountered a typo and a graphical glitch:
    Fuani in the wilds outpost talking about who has a request, and during the ardford succession finale the priestess has no top of her head.

    I also saw that if you have accepted both Sarai's and Carina's request, if you do Carina's request cutscenes, during the talks with Bertricia and at the end of Annah's the sparkle for Sarai's request doesn't dissapear and you are standing in it:

    Pretty low on the totempole of game-breaking things but I thought you should still know about it

    1. Good catches there! The first two are both fixed.

      Placing the player on top of sparkle events, however... I'm unsure if I want to do anything about this. It should be harmless (since you can just walk off, I think) and I feel adding something to suppress those events during cutscenes might have potential downsides.

  21. Hello, sorry if this was asked already, but will we be able to do anything sexual to Xestris, or she just needs our link to survive? (Sorry for mistakes, English is not my first language.)

    1. Hello! Xestris is a platonic member of the harem until after the final battle for the reason you stated.

    2. Okay, thanks for the answer!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hello! I have been playing through the game for the first time over the last couple weeks and absolutely loving it. It's been so well polished and engaging and quickly become one of my all time favorite games, and I'll be saying as much on steam when I finish and definitely supporting on patreon as I'm able! Sierra Lee, thank you so much for sharing this labor of love with the world! It's truly an incredible piece of art!

    1. You deleted your first comment, so did you learn about the 99 limit on some characters? Assuming you don't have any issues:

      Hello, glad to hear that you've enjoyed the game so much! Steam reviews are always much appreciated, and if you join us on Patreon you'll get some fun previews of updates to come. ^-^

  24. At the very end of the Third Erosian war (When talking to the entire harem in the Fucklord's palace), One of Sarai's dialogue lines seems to have a grammatical error. They say "Mostly bitches backstabbing, as bitches *are wont to do*. That's why I don't feel like I accomplished much." Not certain if this is intentional, but I certainly didn't understand the line.

    1. I think the issue is my use of wont?

      It's a relatively uncommon usage these days, in fact that may be the only place in the game where I use it.

    2. Thank you! Never knew that that was a definition of wont. Also found a different grammatical error, during the Carina + Ivala scene, the line "She was wrapped around him before quite knew what was happening, her legs closing around his waist easily." This line appears to be missing a she between the before and quite.

    3. Fixed the error on my end, thanks!

  25. Thank you for the update, haven't seen it's contents yet (because after returning from a year-long pause from the game and witnessing the big optional dungeon and being overwhelmed I decided to just replay from the start to freshen up my memories about the game's contents).
    I am however interested in checking out the "bad end" everyone talk about along with a "good" one, can a player with hyper-optimal choices do something during the final battle that would send them straight to the bad ending? Because, honestly, as much as I love TLS, I don't feel like my spirit is strong enough for the third hundred of hours into replaying the game just to see the mystery ending, lol

    1. There are quite a few decisions in the final battle that could potentially alter those variables, and it will be easier to do with the slight rebalancing in the upcoming update. Without know your game I can't say for certain, but it should be possible.

  26. Alright, I've done it, I've beaten the game.

    Sierra Lee, this is Chris Avellonne's type of shit, but even more ambitious.

    I don't think you've changed my life, but I feel that now I will change something in it.

    Thank you.

    1. I've enjoyed a great deal of Chris Avellone's work, so I'll take that as a compliment! Hope you stick around for the remaining updates, as I will be both polishing the game in various ways and wrapping up the final pieces with the epilogue and postgame. I've put in this many years of work, I want to do things right. ^-^

    2. I surely will! Your consistency and attention to details is a real inspiration.

  27. I am glad I restarted. So many changes to stineford first visit.

    1. The majority of my attention is almost always on new content, but I do try to enhance past sections from time to time! As we get closer to the end there will be even more improvements, additions, and QoL changes, so look forward to those and consider when you want to replay. ^-^

  28. Hello. I continued from my 2 year old save and it seems to be working just fine up to incubus War Aftermath, i.e. when freeing Simon from the Incubus Prison, but then quite a few parts seems to be broken.
    I can't start several quests, like Wendis Sarai, Varia, Dari, Lynine and i think some others.
    Givini man seems to be just missing in Altina's quest. And there are some other weird errors.
    I am not quite sure what causes it.

    1. Hello! Saves should actually be compatible that far back and shouldn't cause problems like that, so my first thought is to look for other sources. Could you upload your save for some others (on forum/Discord) with a specific report so they can look into it? While I don't think it's very likely there's a bug, if one exists you probably just need one or two switches flipped.

    2. I quit back then during Incubus Prison, because it was very much a terrible experience. Especially the early versions of it, where you couldn't actually escape from battles you were not ready for. So you just died and had to reload.
      So, i loaded that save, completed the Prison, then completed the next section without any trouble, but the free roaming section seems to be bugged. I posted in the f95 thread, or maybe i can send the save file directly to you as well.

  29. Is anyone having an issue with getting sarai into the harem? In the last patch notes in 7.46, there was a note that said sarai with sex restrictions from the gawnfall council could join with her harem quest. I had already finished that quest, but theres a note that said if its already completed you will trigger an event at her tower. Is that the tower in new givini or in the Tower tower? I cant find a way to trigger that event

    1. The alternate means of getting Sarai was a temporary event that only existed for a build or two, not a permanent method. Wanted an alternate way for people who had already done her quest, but didn't intend to keep it.

      So if you go back and download that version, you should find a sparkle in Sarai's New Givini headquarters.
