Friday, June 28, 2024

The Final Battle 0.74.5

Updated build for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStar. If you want more context, see the original post for this release.

TLS 0.74.5

- Some story additions. Too minor to be worth replaying for their own sake, but I think they make the final battle stronger overall.

- There are significant new additions to the battle for highly optimized saves (both mechanical and plot-based). These will only occur if you start the battle from the beginning.

- One notable example is that, for optimized saves, healing in the Harem Prison is now finite.

- The massive Chosen boss is buffed for optimized saves.

- Several additional opportunities to use stamina have been added throughout the battle.

- There is a final place to use Simon's stamina near the end, with new bonuses.

This update is the reason I have been taking longer: as you can see in the notes, the additions this time include qualitative additions and improvements as well as fixes. Unless there's a serious omission or someone makes a very compelling point, I intend for this to be the last form of the final battle.

The original build was basically stable and had the heart of the final battle, but this one is more balanced in ways that aren't immediately obvious, has some great new additions, and does a better job of matching the player so everyone has a reasonably challenging experience. Plus twice the illustrated scenes and the other new content I've worked on!

I said no promises when I started the final battle, but now I can say this: the update should go public next weekend unless something goes wrong.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Final Battle 0.74.4

Updated build for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStar. If you want more context, see the original post for this release.

TLS 0.74.4

- Polishing and background changes.

- New illustrated scenes: New Lovers, Uyae's First Time


This update is all pretty well polished... in a sense. The problem is that the playtesters and feedback have overwhelmingly been via highly optimized saves. While this update is playable and vaguely correct, I'm not at all confident that this is the true final balance that I want.

So I'm updating this to supporters of the lowest $1 tier in the hopes of getting a wider variety of feedback and make the final battle as polished as it can be! I'm likely to keep adding content, which right now is more illustrated scenes, but could include new wrinkles later in development.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Final Battle 0.74.3

Updated build for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStar. If you want more context, see the original post for this release.

TLS 0.74.3

- Various serious but obscure bugs caught not by players, but by Fulminato, Grim8P, and other data miners.

- Two more save points added.

- Numerous musical enhancements thanks to Lamsey.

- No major behind-the-scenes rebalancing yet, just fixes and improvements.

- Additions and polish.


Still moving forward, one step at a time. The final battle isn't unprecedented in complexity or anything, but it is one of the largest I've put out, so it's taking a while. I'm using this extra time to catch up on all the stuff I was putting off while focusing so much on this... >_>

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Final Battle 0.74.2

Updated build for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStar. If you want more context, see the original post for this release.

TLS 0.74.2

- One additional save point added to final battle events.

- Added an opportunity to change equipment after the prison sequence.

- Altina now has the opportunity to gain a new skill during the final battle.

- New additions to various calculations, including slight rebalancing.

- The music is more consistent in several sections thanks to a new script from Lamsey, who also contributed a couple edited tracks.

- Hopefully all the collision issues dealt with, but I haven't thoroughly tested every map.

- Mostly polishing.


This definitely isn't the final build, as I've received fairly few reports about balance (unsurprisingly, it's taking the community a while to look through all the variable math). However, this one does fix a number of bugs that had a negative effect on the experience in addition to the usual polishing. The first build was actually pretty clean, but this one is another step up. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Final Battle 0.74.1

Updated build for supporters on Patreon or SubscribeStar. If you want more context, see the original post for this release.

TLS 0.74.1

 - Primarily a hotfix to remove a fatal bug when your final variables are too uneven.

 - Minor bugfixing and polishing, but this is not the fully revised build.

 - Additional tweaks to Rachnera's control scripts.

 - The base library is now complete. One shelf will fill retroactively, one will fill if you talk to Grynyth in the base, and the last is reserved for the final optional dungeon.

 - New illustrated scenes: (Blogger doesn't like.)

 - Added a sheep Zirantian thanks to Annikath, primarily for Annikath. =P

 - Annikath also made new unique sprites for Iris and Trin.

 - Relevant to much earlier content, the Lustlord fight has been nerfed.


As mentioned previously, because I didn't promise a release date for the final battle, I will be keeping everyone here updated. The final battle seems mostly stable (many players have finished) but there was a fatal bug in certain circumstances. This build fixes that as well as throws in the other things I've been working on.

Many players have yet to even touch the final battle. Barring another necessary bugfix, the next build is likely to be the enormous polish build.